Sunday, May 23, 2010

Friday Football

In celebration of the upcoming World Cup Soccer in South Africa, the teachers at Alpha Primary put together "Football Friday". They arranged the following,
  • A march past lead by drum majorettes started the day’s festivities at 9:30.
  • Divided the school up into 4 countries, namely England, Brazil, Italy & South Africa - Bafana Bafana.
  • Divided them up into teams – about 8 teams (2 per country).
  • Depending upon age of the learners games ranged between 30 mins, 15 mins & 7 mins per side;
  • Had T-shirts printed for the teams.
  • Two ladies teams (comprising of educators) participated in a kick off game @ 10:00. Mr Arendse spent some game time on each of these teams.
  • A number of food stalls.
The day was a fantastic success and really enjoyed by the students.

To see the pictures click here

Monday, April 12, 2010

The New Caretakers Cottage is on the move

As some of you maybe aware, Michelle Brussow has been driving this project and it is great to see the cottage at this stage.  The result of having this project will mean less risk of vandalism to the upgraded school.

Thanks must go to Everite, Concrete 4 U and African Timbers.  Also, to Peter Long for project managing this build.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Remedial teachers lend a hand

We have been very lucky to find Dr. Danny Ah Hing and Mrs. Wendy Nel, both qualified remedial teachers.  They are doing part time work at Alpha to assist the teachers and kids.

So far the response has been amazing and we look forward to watching the results of this work unfolding.