Saturday, August 1, 2009

Flights and Arrival in South Africa

After an exhausting 11 hour international flight we finally made it to Cape Town at 8.30am. Two flights down, one to go! Our last flight was at 10am and we had an average flight to Port Elizabeth. However our arrival was anything but average as we had a welcoming group waiting for us in the airport that would make sports stars jealous. The teachers , staff and friends from the Alpha School were all there. It was truly an amazing and humbling experience. To see the look of excitement in the teacher’s faces was testimony to how grateful they really are to each and every person who contributed to the project. We haven’t begun work at the school yet but already it is clear that we are creating an impact.

Later we went to a hardware store to pick up essential tools and paint etc. Some very price conscious shopping ensued and we just hoped we had everything.

We then went to source the milk. A major element of our visit this week is to provide a glass of milk for each child everyday. The amazing thing is that the majority of these children do not get milk on a regular basis – if at all , something most of us take for granted.

After a beautiful diner it was off to bed for the team, a big week ahead but everyone even more determined than ever to make a difference this week.


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