Monday, December 28, 2009

Alpha Primary School Cricket Clinic

On the 15th Dec 2009, Alpha Primary School held a Cricket Clinic led by Warren Bell and Chad Baxter, both EP cricketers.

The day was a massive success and fun was had by all.  Thanks to Michell Brussow and Heather Moulton for arranging gear from MTN, tickets to the Warriors game from GM and KFC for lunch.

Also a big thanks to Jerome and Veronica for coaching the boys through the term.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Kelli-Anne picked for Oprah Academy

DREAM COME TRUE ... Kelly-Anne Rossouw, 12, of Alpha Primary School in Gelvandale, Port Elizabeth, is excited about being selected for admission to the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in Gauteng next year.
To read the full article and hear an interview with Kelly-Anne click here

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Schools of Shame

This article was recently published in the EP Herald - Schools of Shame.  It is good to see this critical issue getting air space, but it needs the addition of the positive stories out there.  Success breeds Success.

More good news as NIIAS support the Alpha Project

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Its all HAPPENING at ALPHA....

52 pupils where presented with brand new school shoes thanks to generous donations by ex-pupils and Michelle and Bernard Brussouw.

The toilets have now been completed and are a massive improvement on what was there before!!!

The jungle gym has arrived and has been such a hit with the younger kids.

Thank -you to all who have made so many things possible at Alpha Primary and to those who continue to support this project.

May God Bless you all.
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Monday, October 5, 2009

New uniforms for the Alpha support staff....

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The new and finally completed staffroom

The Alpha staff enjoying their new staffroom with the folks from African Bank.Posted by Picasa

Giving back to the community

Alpha Primary has raised money for the Handicapped society by holding a 'Miss Spring' competition and allowing the pupils to dress in casual clothes for a small fee. Its great to see how charity and generosity can spread so quickly!!
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Planting trees at Alpha on Arbour Day, thanks to African Bank

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New dolls house donated

The Grade Rs (4-6 yr olds) are delighted with their new dolls house which was recently donated to them. I'm sure many hours of play will be enjoyed!!!
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Friday, August 7, 2009


We arrived at Alpha bright and early together with Heather (Kelli's mom) , Ros and Colleen. These 3 ladies together with Val, Jen and Kel hit the classrooms and sports field to give their final classes for the week. The kids really enjoyed the activities the teachers prepared and the moring flew in. John, Fergal and Karen worked extremely hard to try and finish the staffroom renovations.

At 11:30 we attended the assembly where the kids sang for us and thanked us so many times for uplifting their school and coming to teach them. We felt extermely privilaged to have been involved in this project.

We then officially opened the new staffroom and enjoyed a delicious meal with the staff.

Many tears were shed as we said goodbye to the children with whom we had formed such special bonds.

That evening we (together with Heather, Ros and Colleen and Michelle Brussouw) hosted a cocktail party to thank all the companies and sponsors who have helped us achieve our vision for Alpha.

Our MC Marius was fantastic and the speeches and votes of thanks were well received. The food was delicious and the evening was a fantastic culmination of the project.

Thank-you again to everyone who has contributed towards the ALPHA PROJECT 2009 we have had the most rewarding and emotional week of our lives.



Thursday, August 6, 2009

Nearing the end of our visit

On Thursday Jenny and Valerie were fortunate enough to go and visit Collegiate Junior School (who were the link between us and Alpha). They thoroughly enjoyed their class visits and were able to get inspiration from both children and teachers.

John, Fergal, Karen and Kelli went to Alpha to do some DIY in the staffroom. As usual milk was given to every child including a yummy biscuit. The boys worked till 5:30pm on the kitchen cupboards and certainly learnt a great deal from the other workers on site.

The children continue to interact with us and valuable friendships continue to grow.

We decided not to go out this evening as we were all exhausted and therefore remained at our respective homes for an early night!!

Another productive day!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 3

Wednesday was another fantastic day with unbelievable weather. We have been so blessed to have had the weather, it has made all the activities much easier.

In the classroom things seemed different from the previous two days, with a far more relaxed approached and a bit more chaos with the kids. The size of the classes certainly became more obvious to me as Kel and I tried to do PE with a class made up of 26 boys and 13 girls.

As for the staffroom that we are renovating, things went slowly as the varnish on the floor dried for the second day. On an upside, the kicthen cupboards arrived and the men finished the painting of the windows on the outside.

In the afternoon we challenged some of the boys to fix a cricket net that was very broken. We managed to interest 8 boys and teacher into doing some degree of fixing and sweeping of the pitch. This was followed by a quick team challenge, the challenge that if the boys pull together two teams and practise up to Christmas, then I will treat them to a day out with a game of cricket and some good grub. Following this challenged we did a quick practise session made of batting practise and fielding. The potential in these boys was eye opening. Just needs encouragement.

To end the day we had a site visit to the new Soccer stadium that has been built for the World Cup Soccer in 2010. What a treat.

Last night Bill and Ros Holdeness treated us to a fantastic meal. Thank-you

That is all for now, we promise pictures are on their way.

The Alpha Team

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 2

The day started off with a bit of a panic as we ran slightly late. Nevertheless, we arrived on time and got straight to work on all fronts. The ladies were teaching and coaching sport while the lads got to work on the staff room.

The time in the class room has been amazing as the skills from our people and the techers combine to add value to the knowledge of the students. The desire to learn is tremendous and very encouraging.

The staff room that is being renovated, was completey sanded and received its first varnish. The walls have been sanded and are ready for a wash down before we paint them on Thursday. A new kitchen has been ordered with a new oven and hob. We receive this tomorrow morning.

A local journalist visited the school to report on the story and we got some great pictures with the kids.

At 3 o'clock we decided to visit Sister Ethel at the Missionvale centre. Sister Ethel is an Irish nun that has dedicated the last 22 years to the people of missionvale. Missionvale is poverty at a whole new level and the work she is doing is truly amazing. What a fantastic visit to her center that does such good work.

Sorry that we have not loaded more pictures but we promise to do so shortly, we have 100's of awesome pics to share with you.

The Alpha Team.

PS the weather is fantastic, was 30 c yesterday.

Monday, August 3, 2009

First day at Alpha Primary School

At 8:10am this morning we arrived at Alpha Primary School where we were greeted by the students. Grade one and Grade two classes lined the avenue as we drove in. They were all waving and singing songs. After we greeted the younger children we moved onto assembly to where the other students were waiting. Veronica introduced us and John then introduced us individually. After assembly we moved onto our glasses where Kelly was teaching sports, Jenny was teaching some Irish history and Valerie was teaching the students how to make clocks. I moved around helping each of them with the classes. John and Fergal got started on the staff room. The room had to be dusted down, the windows sanded down and taped up ready for painting tomorrow. At 12:00pm we handed out over 750 glasses of milk and cookies to the students. This evening we went to Kelli’s mums for dinner and it was beautiful! It has been an amazing first day and we are all very much excited to go back tomorrow.

The Alpha team, by Karen Kennedy

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 2 - Sunday Adventure in PE

A sunny Sunday morning in Port Elizabeth. Before commencing work in the school tomorrow we went to spend some time at Veronica’s parish. Veronica is a member of St. Martin de Porres Catholic church in Gelvandale near to Alpha Primary School. From the church we went to the Kragga Kamma game park where we saw animals such as cheetah, giraffe, wildebeest and bushpig among others. Following this we visited Seaview Lion Park where we saw Tigers and Lions but the highlight was playing with the 2 month old lion cubs. Afterwards we had a delicious braai at the Thorntons house. What a tough day in Africa!

Early night, early start.

The Alpha team, by Jennifer McClleland

The team enjoying a meal out....fillet steak for 4 pounds!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Flights and Arrival in South Africa

After an exhausting 11 hour international flight we finally made it to Cape Town at 8.30am. Two flights down, one to go! Our last flight was at 10am and we had an average flight to Port Elizabeth. However our arrival was anything but average as we had a welcoming group waiting for us in the airport that would make sports stars jealous. The teachers , staff and friends from the Alpha School were all there. It was truly an amazing and humbling experience. To see the look of excitement in the teacher’s faces was testimony to how grateful they really are to each and every person who contributed to the project. We haven’t begun work at the school yet but already it is clear that we are creating an impact.

Later we went to a hardware store to pick up essential tools and paint etc. Some very price conscious shopping ensued and we just hoped we had everything.

We then went to source the milk. A major element of our visit this week is to provide a glass of milk for each child everyday. The amazing thing is that the majority of these children do not get milk on a regular basis – if at all , something most of us take for granted.

After a beautiful diner it was off to bed for the team, a big week ahead but everyone even more determined than ever to make a difference this week.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Spec Savers South Africa come to conduct vision tests at Alpha ......

Spec Savers will be sending trained personnel to test around 600 children's vision next Thursday at Alpha Primary School. If any child should require glasses, Spec Savers will provide the child with the appropriate lenses and frames for free. What a wonderful opportunity for the children at Alpha. Thank- you Spec Savers!!!

Please click here to find out more

Friday, July 24, 2009


Programme for the week of 3rd -7th August 2009

Monday - Friday :
Teach classes (crafts/music and netball/soccer)-one year group per day
Do general DIY
Upgrade the staff room (painting, curtains, furniture etc)
Give the pupils milk and biscuits every day
Assist the teachers in the classrooms

Friday Night:
Host a cocktail party to thank all who have been involved and donated various materials and money to the project (around 100 guests)

The money raised from the Irish team will be spent on the following:

A jungle gym (playground equipment) for the children
Sports equipment including soccer balls, netballs, cones, bibs and netball posts
Milk and biscuits for 750 pupils for 5 days
A lunch for the teachers of Alpha
Upgrading the staffroom and some bathroom fittings
Ceiling boards for the bathrooms and staffroom
The food and drinks for the cocktail party
Arts and crafts equipment

We have now raised over 6000 pounds and are overwelmed by all your support.

The Alpha Project 2009 Team

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Final day and 1040 km finished!!!

Celebrations as John completes his final leg of 162km from Enniskillen to Giant's Causeway... what an achievement!!!
1040km in 6 days!!!
Thank-you all for your words of encouragement and prayers, we are all very appreciative of your support.
God Bless you all.
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Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 5...885km down!!!

Day 5 was from Gort to Sligo and John covered 170km on his own through rain and wind and many long hills. This was definitely the hardest day for him and he has mentally been so strong. I am so proud of him he has gone beyond all expectation!!! One more day to go !!!!
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More of Day 4....

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 4

Day 4 was from Fermay through Cork and then to Gort which was 215 km altogether!! John had a really tough cycle into a strong wind and up many hills for 40km to get to Cork. After the gruelling start to the day he then got a puncture halfway up a hill coming out of Cork to Limerick....not in the plan!!!
We stopped for lunch (after he had done 110km)and then I joined John and together we cycled 100km to Gort which was a true test for both of us. Exhausted and very sore we arrived at our hotel for a swim and an ice bath....and ofcourse a good sleep for the next day.
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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 3, 11 July 2009

Hi All,

Here is todays route, weather not looking good with a southly, face on wind.

Route, Day 3">

Day 3

We met John for Lunch and then John and I cycled 60km in the rain to Fermoy, where we spent the night at a local B&B.In total John has cycled 215km today!!!
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Day 2, 10 July 2009

Hi All, Here is todays route.

Weather looking good with a NNW wind, fantastic.

See you at the end.

Click here for todays route">

Day 2 Report

Day two was another good day which started out at 5:30 am. I made good time and was through Newry, my breakfast target, by 8:20. I eventually gave in and had breakfast at Sizzlers in Ardee, a full Irish Fry with two smoothies.

The next stretch was a challenge with hills I never knew existed. But I made good progress and eventually arrived in Dunboyne at 13:00. A full 2 hours earlier than expected. The team in Dunboyne were all in the drive outside the main building to welcome me in, I thought I was Lance Armstrong in the Tour de Eir. What a great way to end the second day.

This evening we have a quiz night planned at Slevins in Dunboyne. Watch this space for an update.

Day 2 ends with a fantastic reception at the Dunboyne Office around 1pm

John and his work colleagues at the end of a 160km of cycling for a well earned lunch.
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Day 2 begins...bright and early at 5:30am

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 1 Report

Todays cycle ended up being 118km and was a great ride with a good tail wind. In total the ride took 4.5 hours and 3800 calories were burnt.

Day 1, 9 July 2009

John is cycling the following route, watch this space for todays updates.

Click Here to see route, Day 1">

John Starts his 1000km cycle at the Giant's Causeway on the North Coast of Ireland

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The shirts which have been printed for the project

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